Why are we different?
Tinder, Bumble, Ok Cupid and other dating apps mainly focus on the match, on swiping right. They do not take into account the complexity that the love journey involves. Lovity helps you to manage and focus your love life in order to start your love interactions with people you truly want to

You got 731 Matches
How can you handle 731 matches? Where do you start? With the end of the pandemic coming near, do you really need to match with thousands of random people? Maybe you just need an app to manage properly the potential love partners you already have.
6 Potential Love Partners
Your friends cousin you met at a party, or the cute guy you talked at the beach last week. This could be your true love partners. Not some random guy that only wants to have sex with you, that probably is not looking for the same thing you are. Message, talk, date those who you truly think could be the one.

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